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Get All Dynamic Preferences

This endpoint retrieves all available dynamic preferences.


This operation does not require authentication

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/dynamic_preference/


limitqueryintegerfalseNumber of results to return per page
offsetqueryintegerfalseThe initial index from which to return the results
searchquerystringfalseA search term
sectionquerystringfalseFilter all preferences in a section
orderingquerystringfalseWhich field to use when ordering the results

Example Request

const headers = {

method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


200OKResponse status codeInline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

» countintegerfalsenoneTotal results count
» nextstring(uri)¦nullfalsenoneNext page url
» previousstring(uri)¦nullfalsenonePrevious page url
» results[Dynamic Preference]falsenoneList of results

Example responses

"count": "integer",
"next": "string(uri)",
"previous": "string(uri)",
"results": [
"id": "integer",
"section": "string",
"name": "string",
"value": "string"

Available Sections


This section contains a collection of modules which can be added as an extra feature.

  • loyalty_points_collection: This feature allows to enable loyalty points collection.
  • polls_enabled: This feature allows to enable polls.
  • registration_wizard: This feature enables registration wizard.
  • invite_code: This feature enables invitation code.
  • closed_community: This feature allows to make community closed.
  • incubator_enabled: This feature enables incubator for categories.
  • incubator_subscribers: Incubator subscribers number to reach.
  • incubator_suggestions: Number of incubators suggested.
  • post_geolocation_enabled: This feature enables geolocation for contributions.
  • cookie_policy_enabled: This feature enables Cookie Policy.
  • tutorial_enabled: This feature enables tutorial.
  • gdpr_signup_step_enabled: This feature enables gdpr signup in steps.
  • share_post_on_facebook_enabled: This feature allows users to share posts on Facebook.
  • share_post_on_twitter_enabled: This feature allows users to share posts on Twitter.
  • share_post_on_linkedin_enabled: This feature allows users to share posts on Linkedin.
  • zapier_enabled: This feature enables Zapier.
  • custom_code_head: Custom code printed in the head section.
  • custom_code_body: Custom code printed in the body section.


This section provides the settings for advertising management.

  • custom_adv_enabled: Enables custom advertising.
  • custom_adv_only_for_anonymous_users_enabled: Enables custom advertising only for anonymous users.
  • ads_enabled: Enables Google advertising.
  • ads_verification_code: Verification code for Google advertinsing.
  • ads_manual_enabled: Enables Google advertising with manual positioning.
  • ads_only_for_anonymous_users_enabled: Enables Google advertising only for anonymous users.
  • ads_below_topbar_code: Code for showing ads below top bar.
  • ads_in_post_comments_code: Code for showing ads in post comments.
  • ads_related_posts_column_code:Code for showing ads in related posts.
  • ads_above_footer_bar_code: Code for showing ads above footer bar.
  • ads_footer_sticky_code: Code for showing ads in the footer.
  • ads_tools_column_code: Code for showing ads in the tools column.
  • ads_in_stream_code: Code for showing ads in stream.


This section the settings to manage Google Analytics.

  • google_analytics_stats_enabled: Enables Google Analytics statistics.
  • google_analytics_stats_property_id: Tracking ID obtained from Google Analytics.
  • google_analytics_stats_debug_enabled: Enables the debug mode for Google Analytics.
  • hotjar_stats_enabled: Enables Hotjar.
  • hotjar_stats_tracking_code: Hotjar Tracking Code(every account will have its own unique Tracking Code to install.)


This sections contains colors preferences for application elements.

  • colorprimary: Main color.
  • colorsecondary: Secondary color.
  • colorback: Main background color.
  • navbarback: Navbar background color.
  • submenuback: Submenu background color.


This section contains general configurations.

  • manual_categories_order_enabled: Enables manual categories order.
  • follow_enabled: Enables Follow.
  • people_search_enabled: Enables people search.
  • people_card_with_cover_enabled: Enables people card with cover.
  • post_only_staff_enabled: Enables post only for staff members.
  • post_with_categories_only_staff_enabled: Enables post with categories only for staff members.
  • content_availability: Checks content availability.
  • users_approval_enabled: Enables users approval.
  • home_stream_order_by: Allows to choose the homepage ordering method.
  • explore_stream_enabled: Enables explore feed stream.
  • explore_stream_order_by: Allows to choose the explore feed ordering method.
  • stream_quality: Enables stream quality.
  • discussion_type_enabled: Enables discussion type.
  • post_type_enabled: Enables post type.
  • status_type_enabled: Enables status type.


This section contains covers settings for homepage.

  • covers_visibility: Allow to decide the number of images visible on the homepage.
  • cover_1_hp_320: Image n.1 in 320 hp.
  • cover_1_hp_480: Image n.1 in 480 hp.
  • cover_1_hp_767: Image n.1 in 767 hp.
  • cover_1_hp_m1920: Image n.1 in 1920 hp.
  • cover_2_hp_320: Image n.2 in 320 hp.
  • cover_2_hp_480: Image n.2 in 480 hp.
  • cover_2_hp_767: Image n.2 in 767 hp.
  • cover_2_hp_m1920: Image n.2 in 1920 hp.
  • cover_3_hp_320: Image n.3 in 320 hp.
  • cover_3_hp_480: Image n.3 in 480 hp.
  • cover_3_hp_767: Image n.3 in 767 hp.
  • cover_3_hp_m1920: Image n.3 in 1920 hp.
  • cover_4_hp_320: Image n.4 in 320 hp.
  • cover_4_hp_480: Image n.4 in 480 hp.
  • cover_4_hp_767: Image n.4 in 767 hp.
  • cover_4_hp_m1920: Image n.4 in 1920 hp.


This section contains image preferences.

  • app_icon: Image used for the app icon.
  • error_404: Image for error 404.
  • error_503: Image for error 503.
  • errorpages_image: Image for error pages.
  • user_default_cover: Default cover for user.

This section contains logo preferences.

  • logo_dark: Dark version of the logo.
  • logo_light: Light version of the logo.
  • navbar_logo: Appearance of the navbar logo.
  • navbar_logo_mobile: Mobile view of the navbar logo .


This section contains all preferences for calibration of loyalty flow.

  • points_make_discussion: Points earned for a new discussion.
  • points_make_post: Points earned for a new post.
  • points_make_comment: Points earned for a comment.
  • points_receive_vote: Points earned for an upvote.
  • points_connection_or_follower: Points earned for a new connection (if connections enabled) or for a new follower (if follow enabled).
  • points_social_share: Points earned when starting a social share of a post or a discussion.
  • points_app_used: Points earned for the first usage of the app (if available).
  • points_daily_visit: Points earned for a daily visit.


This section contains providers settings.

  • fidelitycard_signin_enabled: Enables fidelity card signin.
  • facebook_signin_enabled: Enables Facebook signin.
  • facebook_app_key: Facebook app key.
  • facebook_app_secret: Secret key for Facebook.
  • twitter_signin_enabled: Enables Twitter signin.
  • twitter_app_key: Twitter app key.
  • twitter_app_secret: Secret key for Twitter.
  • google_signin_enabled: Enables Google signin.
  • google_app_key: Google app key.
  • google_app_secret: Secret key for Google.
  • google_project_id: Google project ID.
  • google_project_number: Google project number.
  • google_cloud_messaging_api_key: Google Api Key for cloud messaging.
  • google_geocoding_api_key: Google Api Key for geocoding.
  • linkedin_signin_enabled: Enables Linkedin signin.
  • linkedin_app_key: Linkedin app key.
  • linkedin_app_secret: Secret key for Linkedin.
  • apns_push_notifications_cert: Apns push notifications.
  • app_url_on_app_store: App url on App Store.
  • app_url_on_google_play: App url on Google Store.
  • app_schema_url: App schema Url.
  • app_ios_membership_team_id: Ios membership team ID
  • app_ios_bundle_id: Ios bundle ID.


This section allows to customize staff status section.

  • staff_badge_label: Label for staff badge.
  • staff_badge_icon: Icon for staff badge.


This section contains style settings for Community customization.

  • font_family: List of available fonts.
  • custom_css: Section where to insert custom css.


This section contains text preferences.

  • application_name: Application name visible in the browser's tab.
  • application_slogan1: Title given to the community.
  • application_slogan2: Slogan for the community.
  • application_copyright: Copyright for the community.
  • errorpages_title: Main text used for error pages.
  • errorpages_subtitle: Secondary text used for error pages.


This section contains the settings for checking the status of indexing and to optimize the visibility of the website.

  • google_sitemap_code: Google code for sitemap.
  • meta_robots: Content of the meta tag robots.
  • meta_title_home_not_logged: Content of the meta tag title for the Homepage (if not logged in).
  • meta_description: Content of the meta tag description.