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Get Course Lesson Comments

This endpoint retrieves paginated lesson comments for a specific lesson with id {lesson_id} for the course identified by {course_id} and under the section identified by {section_id}.
If the parent id is passed then it returns all comments that have the given id as their parent (comments that are children of the parent).
If the parent id is not passed then it returns all first level comments of the lesson (comments with null parent id).


This operation requires the user joins the course and that the lesson has comments_enabled (also creator and managers).
Users with role creator or manager can always get a lesson while the other users should follow the rules setup by the managers.

  1. lesson should be published;
  2. if the course type is scheduled the current datetime should be greater than or equal to dripped_at;
  3. if the course type is structured the current datetime should be greater than or equal to the joined_at datetime plus drip_delay days;
  4. if the course has enforce_lessons_order set to true then all the published lessons before the current one should be completed.

If comments_enabled is false then it will return:

"count": 0,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": []

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/course/{course_id}/section/{section_id}/lesson/{lesson_id}/comment/


course_idpathstringtrueA unique integer value identifying the course of the comments
section_idpathstringtrueA unique integer value identifying the section of the comments
lesson_idpathstringtrueA unique integer value identifying the lesson of the comments
limitqueryintegerfalseNumber of results to return per page
offsetqueryintegerfalseThe initial index from which to return the results
parentquerystringfalseId of the parent Course Comment; used for retrieve nested comments
orderingquerystringfalseThe ordering of the comments; use - for order desc.
Default to created_at

Enumerated Values

» orderingcreated_atOrder by comment creation datetime

Example Request

const headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {access_token}'

method: 'GET',

headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


200OKResponse status codeInline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

» countintegerfalsenoneTotal results count
» nextstring(uri)¦nullfalsenoneNext page url
» previousstring(uri)¦nullfalsenonePrevious page url
» resultslist(Course Comment)falsenoneList of results