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Create a Discussion

This endpoint creates a discussion.


This operation requires authentication

HTTP Request

POST /api/v2/discussion/



By passing a category id that has parents defined, the system will automatically ascend the category graph based on the parents and will also automatically add the parents category ids to the discussion.

» titlebodystring¦nulltrueThe title of the discussion
» textbodystringfalseThe content of the discussion in html format, it can contain some mentions
» categoriesbodylist(integer)trueList of id of Category
» groupbodyintegerfalseThe id of the group
» mediasbodylist(integer)falseList of id of Media (only one media of type share is allowed)
» locationbodyobject¦nullfalseThe Location object to associate at the discussion
»» locationbodystring¦nulltrueThe location name
»» latbodynumber¦nulltrueThe location latitude
»» lngbodynumber¦nulltrueThe location longitude
» pollbodyobject¦nullfalseThe poll object to associate at the discussion
»» titlebodystringtrueThe poll title
»» multiple_choicesbodybooleanfalseIf poll has multiple choices
»» expiration_atbodystring(date-time)falsePoll expiration datetime
»» choicesbodylist(object)truePoll choices
»»» choicebodystringtruePoll choice obj
» addressingbodylist(integer)falseList of Tag ids

Example Body Parameters

"title": "string",
"text": "string",
"categories": ["integer"],
"medias": ["integer"],
"location": {
"location": "string",
"lat": "integer",
"lng": "integer"
"poll": {
"title": "string",
"multiple_choices": "boolean",
"closed": "boolean",
"expiration_at": "string",
"choices": [
"choice": "string"
"addressing": ["integer"],
"tags": ["integer"]

Example Request

const inputBody = {
"title": "string",
"text": "string",
"categories": ["integer"],
"medias": ["integer"],
"location": {
"location": "string",
"lat": "integer",
"lng": "integer"
"poll": {
"title": "string",
"multiple_choices": "boolean",
"closed": "boolean",
"expiration_at": "string",
"choices": [
"choice": "string"
"addressing": ["integer"],
"tags": ["integer"]
const headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {access_token}'

method: 'POST',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


201CreatedResponse status codeDiscussion

Example responses

"id": "integer",
"type": "string",
"last_activity_at": "string",
"author": {User},
"added_at": "string",
"last_edited_at": "string",
"html": "string",
"summary": "string",
"deleted": "boolean",
"collapsed": "boolean",
"comment_count": "integer",
"view_count": "integer",
"vote_count": "integer",
"reactions_count": [{Reaction}],
"voted": "boolean",
"reaction": {Reaction},
"follower_count": "integer",
"followed": "boolean",
"suspended": "boolean",
"flag_count": "integer",
"share_count": "integer",
"slug": "string",
"categories": [{Category}],
"medias": [{Media}],
"location": "string",
"addressing": ["integer"],
"tags": ["integer"],
"poll": {Poll},
"title": "string"