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"id": "integer",
"tags": [],
"followed": "boolean",
"order": "integer",
"name": "string",
"name_synonyms": "string",
"slug": "string",
"slogan": "string",
"html_info": "string",
"seo_title": "string",
"seo_description": "string",
"auto_follow": "string",
"content_only_staff": "boolean",
"active": "boolean",
"image_original": "string",
"image_bigger": "string",
"image_big": "string",
"image_medium": "string",
"image_small": "string",
"emotional_image_original": "string",
"emotional_image_position": "integer",
"lastmod_datetime": "string",
"stream_order_by": "string",
"followers_counter": "integer",
"parents": [


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this category
tagsTag¦[]falsenoneList of ids representing objects of type Tag.
followedbooleanfalsenoneIf the category is followed by the authenticated user
orderintegerfalsenoneManual ordering number
namestringtruenoneUnique name of the category
name_synonymsstring¦nullfalsenoneNewline (\n) separated list of synonyms/aliases
slugstringtruenoneUnique slug identifying this category in a URL (pass _GENERATE_ to auto generate slug)
sloganstring¦nullfalsenoneShort slogan to describe the category
html_infostring¦nullfalsenoneHTML text containing some category information
seo_titlestring¦nullfalsenoneTitle for HTML meta tag
seo_descriptionstring¦nullfalsenoneDescription for HTML meta tag
auto_followstringfalsenoneEnum to define auto follow behaviour
content_only_staffbooleanfalsenoneDefine if only staff can publish contents in this category (default: false)
activebooleanfalsenoneIs this category active?
image_originalstring(binary)¦nullfalsenoneSquared image with min size (600x600) if passed empty a default image will be used - original size
image_biggerstring(binary)falseread-onlySquared image - auto generated bigger size
image_bigstring(binary)falseread-onlySquared image - auto generated big size
image_mediumstring(binary)falseread-onlySquared image - auto generated medium size
image_smallstring(binary)falseread-onlySquared image - auto generated small size
emotional_image_originalstring(binary)¦nullfalsenoneLandscape format image for category hub (1920x1080) if passed empty a default image will be used
emotional_image_positionintegerfalsenoneCss background-position
lastmod_datetimestring(date-time)falseread-onlyLast modify date time
stream_order_bystringfalsenoneOrder of the category feed
followers_counterintegerfalsenoneNumber of category followers
parentsinteger¦[]falsenoneList of Category parents ids

Enumerated Values

auto_follownoneNo auto following
auto_followdefaultNew users will follow this category
auto_followforcedAll users follow (and can't unfollow) this category

Enumerated Values

stream_order_byrecentOrder by last created (decreasing)
stream_order_bylast_activityOrder by last activity (creation, comments, ecc) (decreasing)
stream_order_byrelevanceOrder by the relevance algorithm