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Custom Menu

"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"items": [
"id": "integer",
"custom_menu": "integer",
"label": "string",
"url": "string(uri)",
"attrs": "string",
"order": "integer"
"created_at": "string(date-time)",
"updated_at": "string(date-time)"


idintegerA unique integer value identifying this menu
namestringA unique string identifying this menu ('base' is the default menu)
itemslistList of items of the menu ordered by order
created_atstring(date-time)Datetime of creation
updated_atstring(date-time)Last modify datetime

Item Properties

idintegerA unique integer value identifying this menu item
custom_menuintegerA unique integer value identifying the parent menu
labelstringLabel (eg: the text content of an hyperlink)
urlstring(uri)Uri (eg: the url of an hyperlink)
attrsstringOther attributes (eg: title and target of an hyperlink)
orderintegerOrder of the item relative to the parent menu