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"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"slug": "string",
"color": "string",
"privacy": {},
"visible": "boolean",
"active": "boolean",
"show_on_feed": "boolean",
"subscription_status": {},
"image_bigger": "string",
"image_big": "string",
"image_medium": "string",
"image_small": "string",
"subscribers_counter": "integer",
"goings_counter": "integer",
"share_count": "integer",
"start_date": "string",
"end_date": "string",
"recurring": "string",
"location": "string",
"geolocation": "string",
"geolocation_lat": "float",
"geolocation_lng": "float",
"link": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"created_by": {},
"managed_by": {},
"running": "boolean",
"running_start_date": "string",
"running_end_date": "string",
"next_start_date": "string",
"next_end_date": "string"


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this event
namestringtruenoneUnique name of the event
descriptionstring¦nullfalsenoneThe event description
slugstringfalseread-onlyAuto-generated slug identifying this event in a URL
colorstring¦nullfalsenoneThe event color
privacyprivacytruenoneEnum to define the event privacy
visiblebooleanfalsenoneThe event visibility status
activebooleanfalsenoneIs this event active?
show_on_feedbooleanfalseread-onlyDefine if the contents created in this event are visibile in feed of the current user
subscription_statusstatusfalseread-onlyEnum to define the event subscription status
image_originalstringfalsenoneThe event cover image uploaded during event creation. Only for Create Event request body
image_biggerstringfalseread-onlyImage auto generated from image_original; it maintains the aspect ratio and height and width will be less than 1200px
image_bigstringfalseread-onlyImage auto generated from image_original; it maintains the aspect ratio and height and width will be less than 1000px
image_mediumstringfalseread-onlyImage auto generated from image_original; it maintains the aspect ratio and height and width will be less than 600px
image_smallstringfalseread-onlyImage auto generated from image_original; it maintains the aspect ratio and height and width will be less than 300px
subscribers_counterintegerfalseread-onlyNumber of event subscribers
goings_counterintegerfalseread-onlyNumber of user going to the event
share_countintegerfalseread-onlyNumber of shares of the event
start_datestring(date-time)trueread-onlyDatetime of event beginning
end_datestring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event conclusion; it's required if the event is recurring
recurringrecurringtruenoneEnum to define the event recurring frequency
locationlocationtruenoneEnum to define the event location
geolocationstringfalsenoneA string to define the event location place
geolocation_latfloatfalsenoneThe event geolocation latitude for events with location in person
geolocation_lngfloatfalsenoneThe event geolocation longitude for events with location in person
linkurlfalsenoneThe event link for events with location virtual
created_atstring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event creation
created_byUserfalseread-onlyThe event creator
managed_byUserfalseread-onlyThe event manager
runningbooleanfalseread-onlyIf the event is currently underway
running_start_datestring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event
running_end_datestring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event
next_start_datestring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event
next_end_datestring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of event

Enumerated Values

privacypublicThe event is public (any user can subscribe to the event)
privacyprivateThe event is private (only users invited can subscribe to the event)
subscription_statusnullThe user is not subscribed to the event
subscription_statussubscribedThe user is subscribed to the event
subscription_statusrequestedThe user has requested to subscribe to the event (available when the event is private)
subscription_statusinvitedThe user has been invited to participate to the event
subscription_statusgoingThe user is going to the event (the user is also subscribed)
subscription_statusnot_goingThe user is not going to the event (the user is also subscribed)
recurringneverThe event is never recurring
recurringdailyThe event is recurring daily
recurringweeklyThe event is recurring weekly
recurringmonthlyThe event is recurring monthly
locationin personThe event location is in person (usually a real place)
locationvirtualThe event location is virtual (usually online)