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Course Quiz Dashboard

"id": "integer",
"course_id": "integer",
"section_id": "integer",
"lesson_id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"grade": "integer",
"result": "string",
"user": {}


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this quiz attempt
course_idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying the course of this quiz
section_idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying the section of this quiz
lesson_idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this quiz (lesson course)
namestringfalseread-onlyThe name of the lesson (quiz)
created_atstring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of quiz attempt
gradeintegerfalseread-onlyThe grade (score in percentage) the user received at the end of the following quiz attempt
resultresultfalseread-onlyEnum to define the course subscription status of the current user
userUser Minimalfalseread-onlythe user who attempted to solve the quiz

Enumerated Values

resultuncompletedQuiz course completion status is uncompleted for the user
resultcompletedQuiz course completion status is completed for the user.
Quiz passed
resultfailedQuiz course completion status is failed for the user