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"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"slug": "string",
"color": "string",
"privacy": {},
"visible": "boolean",
"active": "boolean",
"subscription_status": {},
"subscribed": "boolean",
"image_bigger": "string",
"image_original": "string",
"image_big": "string",
"image_medium": "string",
"image_small": "string",
"emotional_image": "string",
"emotional_image_original": "string",
"emotional_image_position": "integer",
"subscribers_counter": "integer",
"created_at": "string",
"created_by": {},
"managed_by": {}


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this group
namestringtruenoneUnique name of the group
descriptionstring¦nullfalsenoneThe group description
slugstringfalsenoneUnique slug identifying this group in a URL
colorstring¦nullfalsenoneThe group color
privacystringtruenoneThe group privacy. Can be 'public' or 'private'
visiblebooleanfalsenoneThe group visibility status
activebooleanfalsenoneIs this group active?
subscription_statusstatusfalsenoneEnum to define the group subscription status
image_originalstringfalsenoneThe group profile image uploaded during group creation. Only for Create Group request body
image_biggerstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated bigger size
image_bigstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated big size
image_mediumstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated medium size
image_smallstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated small size
emotional_image_originalstringfalsenoneThe group cover image uploaded during group creation. Only for Create Group request body
emotional_imagestringfalsenoneLandscape format image for group hub (1920x1080) if passed empty a default image will be used
emotional_image_positionintegerfalsenoneCss background-position
subscribers_counterintegerfalsenoneNumber of group subscribers
created_atstring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of group creation
created_byUserfalseread-onlyThe group creator
managed_byUserfalseread-onlyThe group manager

Enumerated Values

subscription_statusnullThe user is not subscribed to the group
subscription_statussubscribedThe user is subscribed to the group
subscription_statusrequestedThe user has requested to join the group (available when the group is private)
subscription_statusinvitedThe user has been invited to join to the group