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Course Minimal

"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"slug": "string",
"type": "string",
"privacy": "string",
"hide_member_count": "boolean",
"meta_title": "string",
"meta_description": "string",
"og_title": "string",
"og_description": "string",
"og_image": "string",
"image_bigger": "string",
"image_big": "string",
"image_medium": "string",
"image_small": "string",
"join_status": "string",
"user_completion_rate": "integer",
"created_at": "string",
"created_by": {},
"categories": []


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this course
namestringtrueread-onlyUnique name of the course
slugstringfalseread-onlyUnique slug identifying this course in a URL
typetypetrueread-onlyEnum to define the course type
privacyprivacyfalseread-onlyEnum to define the course privacy (default value: empty string)
hide_member_countbooleanfalseread-onlyHide member count (default: false).
If enabled, only managers can see the member count
meta_titlestringfalseread-onlyThe course meta title
meta_descriptionstringfalseread-onlyThe course meta description
og_titlestringfalseread-onlyThe course Open Graph title
og_descriptionstringfalseread-onlyThe course Open Graph description
og_imagestringfalseread-onlyThe course Open Graph image
image_biggerstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated bigger size
image_bigstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated big size
image_mediumstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated medium size
image_smallstringfalseread-onlySquared image - auto generated small size
join_statusstatusfalseread-onlyEnum to define the course subscription status of the current user
user_completion_rateintegerfalseread-onlyProgress completion of the course in percentage for the current user
created_atstring(date-time)falseread-onlyDatetime of course creation
created_byUserfalseread-onlyThe course creator
categorieslist(Category)falsenoneThe categories associated to the course

Enumerated Values

typeself-pacedCourse starts when a member enrolls. All contents are available immediately
typestructuredCourse starts when a member enrolls. Sections are dripped relative to their enrollment date
typescheduledCourse starts on a specific date. Sections are dripped relative to that date
privacyUnselected privacy status (aka draft); cannot revert to this status after selecting another privacy status
privacyopenAccess: Open. Anyone in your community can see and join this course.
Visibility: Visible to all members of your community
privacyprivateAccess: Closed. Only members who are added by you will be able to access this course.
Visibility: Invited members only. Non-members will see the lock screen
privacysecretAccess: Closed. Only members who are added by you will be able to access this course.
Visibility: Invited members only. Non-members will not see that this course exists
join_statusnullThe user has no status
join_statusjoinedThe user joined the course
join_statusinvitedThe user was invited to the course
join_statusrequestedThe user requests access to the course (available when the course is closed)
join_statusmanagerThe user is a manager of the course and of course the user joined the course