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"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"real_name": "string",
"avatar": "string",
"ext_id": "integer",
"followings_counter": "integer",
"followers_counter": "integer",
"posts_counter": "integer",
"discussions_counter": "integer",
"polls_counter": "integer",
"connection_status": "string",
"categories_counter": "integer",
"date_joined": "string",
"bio": "string",
"location": "string",
"location_lat_lng": "string",
"position_lat_lng": "string",
"date_of_birth": "string",
"description": "string",
"gender": "string",
"website": "string",
"cover": "string",
"tags": [],
"reputation": "integer",
"community_badge": "boolean",
"reg_approved": "boolean",
"deleted": "boolean",
"company_name": "string",
"company_role": "string"


idintegerfalseread-onlyA unique integer value identifying this user
usernamestringfalseread-onlyThe username of the user. Max 255 characters. Letters, numbers and -/_ characters
real_namestringfalsenoneReal name. Max 255 characters
avatarstring(binary)¦nullfalsenoneThe user avatar
ext_idintegerfalseread-onlyThe external ID of the user. It is assigned only during signup
followings_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of followings of the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is true
followers_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of followers of the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is true
posts_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of posts created by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.post_type_enabled is true
discussions_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of discussions created by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.post_type_enabled is true
polls_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of polls created by the userOnly if dynamic preference addons.polls_enabled is true or if the user has a staff role
connection_statusstring¦nullfalseread-onlyThe connection status between the request user and this user
categories_counterinteger¦nullfalseread-onlyNumber of categories followed by the user
date_joinedstring(date-time)falseread-onlyDate joined to the community
biostringfalsenoneUser biography
locationstringfalsenoneUser location. Max 100 characters
location_lat_lngstringfalsenoneLocation in coordinates. It is populated automatically if "Google Geocoding" integration is active. Format: lat,lng
position_lat_lngstringfalsenoneUser current position. Format: lat,lng
date_of_birthstring(date)falsenoneDate of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
descriptionstringfalsenoneUser description. Max 50 characters.
genderstringfalsenoneUser gender. Values: Male, Female, Unspecified. Default: Unspecified
websitestring(uri)falsenoneUser website. Max 200 characters.
coverstring(binary)¦nullfalsenoneCover of the user
tagsTag ¦[]falsenoneUser's tag list. List of Tag
reputationintegerfalseread-onlyUser reputation
community_badgebooleanfalseread-onlyCommunity badge active. Default: False
reg_approvedbooleanfalseread-onlyRegistration approved (false only if users_approval_enabled=true and the user is not approved)
company_namestringfalseread-onlyUser company name
company_rolestringfalseread-onlyUser company role
deletedbooleanfalseread-onlyThe user account deletion state
deleted_atstring(date-time)falseread-onlyThe user account deletion datetimeOnly if deleted is true
can_send_pm_tobooleanfalseread-onlyShows if the logged user is able to send a private message to the requested userOnly in Get a specific User endpoint response

Enumerated Values


Connection statuses values

connection_statusnullNo connection status between the request user and this user
connection_statusfollowedThis user is followed
connection_statusconnectedThis user is connected (friend)
connection_statussent_connection_requestConnection (friendship) request sent to this user
connection_statusreceived_connection_requestConnection (friendship) request received from this user

It is possible to define additional custom fields for the user. For further information on how these custom fields (user's metadata) work, refer to the following guide User's custom fields (metadata)