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Invite Code

"id": "integer",
"invited_by_username": "string",
"role": "string",
"tags": [],
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"code": "string",
"generated_at": "string",
"sent_at": "string",
"used_at": "string",
"invited_by": "integer",
"user": {}


idintegerfalseread-onlyA unique integer value identifying this invite code
invited_by_usernamestringfalseread-onlyThe username of the user who sent the invite code
rolestringfalseread-onlyThe user role
tagsTagfalseread-onlyThe list of user tags
namestringfalseread-onlyThe name of the person invited
emailstringfalseread-onlyThe email of the person invited
codestringfalseread-onlyUnique human readable code
generated_atstring(datetime)falseread-onlyDatetime of invite generation
sent_atstring(datetime)falseread-onlyDatetime of invite send
used_atstring(datetime)falseread-onlyDatetime of invite use
invited_byintegerfalseread-onlyThe id of the user who sent the invite code
userUserfalseread-onlyThe user obj