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Course Quiz Question

"id": "integer",
"type": "string",
"image": "string",
"text": "string",
"answers": [],
"correct": "boolean"


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this quiz question
typetypetruenoneEnum to define the quiz question type
imagestringfalsenoneThe quiz image associated to this question
textstringtruenoneThe question text
answerslist(Course Quiz Answer)truenoneList of Course Quiz Answer for the current question
correctbooleanfalseread-onlyDefine if the user answered correctly to the current answer.
This property is only available inside the property last_attempt of the Course Lesson

Enumerated Values

typesingle_choiceQuestion type single_choice must have only have one correct answer
typemulti_choiceQuestion type multi_choice must have at least one or more correct answer