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Onboarding Step

"id": "integer",
"step": {},
"status": {},
"completion_percentage": "integer",
"results": []


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this onboarding step
stepstepfalseread-onlyUnique name of the onboarding step
statusstatusfalseread-onlyEnum to define the status of the onboarding step
completion_percentageintegerfalseread-onlyThe percentage of completion of the onboarding step (0-100)
resultslist(Feed or Category)falseread-onlyList of Feed created (for step contents) or Category modified (step categories)

Enumerated Values

stepcontentsIdentify the onboarding step about contents
stepcategoriesIdentify the onboarding step about categories
stepappearanceIdentify the onboarding step about appearance
stepprofileIdentify the onboarding step about profile
stepinviteIdentify the onboarding step about invite
stepappIdentify the onboarding step about app
statusnot_startedThe onboarding step is not yet started
statusin_progressThe onboarding step is in progress (only for steps contents and categories)
statuscompletedThe onboarding step is completed
statusfailedThe onboarding step is failed