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React-i18n Package allows the internationalization and localization of your application.

How to generate translation files

After package installation a folder locales with two json files (en, it) will be generated.

Inside those files there are components translation strings. The standard pattern in use to define them is :

"package.tag.component name.element name.string description" : "Message to translate"


"ui.categoriesPopular.button.showMore": "Show More"

Usage in components

There are two ways to declare and use translations:

Method 1 steps:
  1. import defineMessages and useIntl hook from react-intl API.
  2. Define a messages constant that will contain the objs with description strings you want to translate.
  3. Inside your functional component, declare a intl constant that uses useIntl hook.
  4. Refer the message string to be translated inside the textual component inside your render function.
import {defineMessages, useIntl} from 'react-intl';

// Outside component
const messages = defineMessages({
categoryFollowers: {
id: 'ui.category.categoryFollowers',
defaultMessage: 'ui.category.categoryFollowers'
//Inside component state
const intl = useIntl();

//Inside JSX Render
Method steps:
  1. import FormattedMessages from react-intl API
  2. Use FormattedMessages component with id and defaultMessage string as defined in your JSON files.
import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';

//Inside JSX Render
<FormattedMessage id="ui.categoriesSuggestion.noResults" defaultMessage="ui.categoriesSuggestion.noResults" />