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Start An Onboarding Step

This endpoint start a specific onboarding step. Some steps do not allow this api call to be performed. In particular for the "contents" and "categories" steps you can use this api call, otherwise use the api call Complete An Onboarding Step. Step status should be "not_started" or "failed".


This operation requires authentication. The logged user must be the creator of the community (id=1).


The onboarding APIs are not available for Enterprise plans; in particular this API has some parameters (num_posts, num_images, force) that are available only in the Stage and Dev environments to simplify development and integration with the PWA.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v2/onboarding/{id}/start/


idpathintegertrueA unique integer value identifying this onboarding step
num_postsqueryintegerfalseNumber of total posts to be generated; only for step "contents". Only for stage. Default: 10
num_imagesqueryintegerfalseFor each category specify how many images will be generated and then associated to a post; only for step "contents". Only for stage. Default: 1
forcequerybooleanfalseForce the start even if the status is not "not_started" or "failed". Only for stage

Example Request

const headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {access_token}'

method: 'POST',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


200OKResponse status codeOnboarding Step