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Get Counters of a Specific User

This endpoint retrieves the counters of a specific user identified by {id}


This operation does not require authentication only if configurations.content_availability is true.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/user/{id}/counters/


idpathstringtrueA unique integer value identifying this user.

Example Request

const headers = {

method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


200OKResponse status codeInline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

discussionsNumber of discussions created by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.discussion_type_enabled is true
postsNumber of posts created by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.post_type_enabled is true
statusesNumber of statuses created by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.status_type_enabled is true
pollsNumber of polls created by the userOnly if dynamic preference addons.polls_enabled is true or if the user has a staff role
followingsNumber of followings of the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is true
followersNumber of followers of the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is true
connection_requests_sentNumber of connection requests sent by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is false
connection_requests_receivedNumber of connection requests received by the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is false
connectionsNumber of connections of the userOnly if dynamic preference configurations.follow_enabled is false
categoriesNumber of categories followed by the user

Example responses

"discussions": "integer",
"polls": "integer",
"posts": "integer",
"statuses": "integer",
"followings": "integer",
"followers": "integer",
"categories": "integer"