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Search Users

This endpoint performs users search


This operation requires authentication only if content_availability community option is false.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/user/search/


limitqueryintegerfalseNumber of results to return per page
offsetqueryintegerfalseThe initial index from which to return the results
userquerystringfalseA search term. Search in fields: username, real_name. If this parameter is used username & real_name will be ignored
usernamequerystringfalseFilter using field username
real_namequerystringfalseFilter using field real_name
genderquerystringfalseFilter using field gender type. Possible values: Male, Female, Unspecified
locationquerystringfalseFilter using field location
agequerystringfalseFilter using age ranges. Possible values: -30, 30-45, 45+. The value 45+ must be encoded in the request url: 45%2B
lat_lngquerystringfalseFilter using coordinates lat,lng
user_positionquerybooleanfalseUse the coordinates (position_lat_lng or location_lat_lng) of the authenticated user
descriptionquerystringfalseFilter using field description
is_staffquerybooleanfalseFilter the users that belong to the staff
tagqueryintegerfalseFilter using tag ID
categoryqueryintegerfalseFilter using category ID
orderingquerystringfalseOrdering fields (eg: ?ordering=username). Minus char is used for descending ordering, eg. -username. Possible values: username, location, real_name, distance

Example Request

const headers = {
'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {


200OKResponse status codeInline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

» countintegerfalsenoneTotal results count
» nextstring(uri)¦nullfalsenoneNext page url
» previousstring(uri)¦nullfalsenonePrevious page url
» resultslist(User)falsenoneList of results

Example responses

"count": "integer",
"next": "string",
"previous": "string",
"results": [
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"real_name": "string",
"avatar": "string",
"ext_id": "integer",
"followings_counter": "integer",
"followers_counter": "integer",
"posts_counter": "integer",
"discussions_counter": "integer",
"polls_counter": "integer",
"connection_status": "string",
"categories_counter": "integer",
"date_joined": "string",
"bio": "string",
"location": "string",
"location_lat_lng": "string",
"position_lat_lng": "string",
"date_of_birth": "string",
"description": "string",
"gender": "string",
"website": "string",
"cover": "string",
"tags": [{Tag}],
"reputation": "integer",
"community_badge": "boolean",
"reg_approved": "boolean",
"deleted" : "boolean",
"company_name": "string",
"company_role": "string"