: string
]: any
Property | Type | Description | Inherited from |
alignContent | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignContent> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignContent> | - | BoxProps.alignContent |
alignItems | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignItems> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignItems> | - | BoxProps.alignItems |
alignSelf | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignSelf> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | AlignSelf> | - | BoxProps.alignSelf |
bgcolor | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | BackgroundColor> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | BackgroundColor> | - | BoxProps.bgcolor |
border | ResponsiveStyleValue <number | "none" | "hidden" | string & object | "inset" | "medium" | "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "revert-layer" | "unset" | "aliceblue" | "antiquewhite" | "aqua" | "aquamarine" | "azure" | "beige" | "bisque" | "black" | "blanchedalmond" | "blue" | "blueviolet" | "brown" | "burlywood" | "cadetblue" | "chartreuse" | "chocolate" | "coral" | "cornflowerblue" | "cornsilk" | "crimson" | "cyan" | "darkblue" | "darkcyan" | "darkgoldenrod" | "darkgray" | "darkgreen" | "darkgrey" | "darkkhaki" | "darkmagenta" | "darkolivegreen" | "darkorange" | "darkorchid" | "darkred" | "darksalmon" | "darkseagreen" | "darkslateblue" | "darkslategray" | "darkslategrey" | "darkturquoise" | "darkviolet" | "deeppink" | "deepskyblue" | "dimgray" | "dimgrey" | "dodgerblue" | "firebrick" | "floralwhite" | "forestgreen" | "fuchsia" | "gainsboro" | "ghostwhite" | "gold" | "goldenrod" | "gray" | "green" | "greenyellow" | "grey" | "honeydew" | "hotpink" | "indianred" | "indigo" | "ivory" | "khaki" | "lavender" | "lavenderblush" | "lawngreen" | "lemonchiffon" | "lightblue" | "lightcoral" | "lightcyan" | "lightgoldenrodyellow" | "lightgray" | "lightgreen" | "lightgrey" | "lightpink" | "lightsalmon" | "lightseagreen" | "lightskyblue" | "lightslategray" | "lightslategrey" | "lightsteelblue" | "lightyellow" | "lime" | "limegreen" | "linen" | "magenta" | "maroon" | "mediumaquamarine" | "mediumblue" | "mediumorchid" | "mediumpurple" | "mediumseagreen" | "mediumslateblue" | "mediumspringgreen" | "mediumturquoise" | "mediumvioletred" | "midnightblue" | "mintcream" | "mistyrose" | "moccasin" | "navajowhite" | "navy" | "oldlace" | "olive" | "olivedrab" | "orange" | "orangered" | "orchid" | "palegoldenrod" | "palegreen" | "paleturquoise" | "palevioletred" | "papayawhip" | "peachpuff" | "peru" | "pink" | "plum" | "powderblue" | "purple" | "rebeccapurple" | "red" | "rosybrown" | "royalblue" | "saddlebrown" | "salmon" | "sandybrown" | "seagreen" | "seashell" | "sienna" | "silver" | "skyblue" | "slateblue" | "slategray" | "slategrey" | "snow" | "springgreen" | "steelblue" | "tan" | "teal" | "thistle" | "tomato" | "transparent" | "turquoise" | "violet" | "wheat" | "white" | "whitesmoke" | "yellow" | "yellowgreen" | "ActiveBorder" | "ActiveCaption" | "AppWorkspace" | "Background" | "ButtonFace" | "ButtonHighlight" | "ButtonShadow" | "ButtonText" | "CaptionText" | "GrayText" | "Highlight" | "HighlightText" | "InactiveBorder" | "InactiveCaption" | "InactiveCaptionText" | "InfoBackground" | "InfoText" | "Menu" | "MenuText" | "Scrollbar" | "ThreeDDarkShadow" | "ThreeDFace" | "ThreeDHighlight" | "ThreeDLightShadow" | "ThreeDShadow" | "Window" | "WindowFrame" | "WindowText" | "currentcolor" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | "thick" | "thin" > | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <number | "none" | "hidden" | string & object | "inset" | "medium" | "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "revert-layer" | "unset" | "aliceblue" | "antiquewhite" | "aqua" | "aquamarine" | "azure" | "beige" | "bisque" | "black" | "blanchedalmond" | "blue" | "blueviolet" | "brown" | "burlywood" | "cadetblue" | "chartreuse" | "chocolate" | "coral" | "cornflowerblue" | "cornsilk" | "crimson" | "cyan" | "darkblue" | "darkcyan" | "darkgoldenrod" | "darkgray" | "darkgreen" | "darkgrey" | "darkkhaki" | "darkmagenta" | "darkolivegreen" | "darkorange" | "darkorchid" | "darkred" | "darksalmon" | "darkseagreen" | "darkslateblue" | "darkslategray" | "darkslategrey" | "darkturquoise" | "darkviolet" | "deeppink" | "deepskyblue" | "dimgray" | "dimgrey" | "dodgerblue" | "firebrick" | "floralwhite" | "forestgreen" | "fuchsia" | "gainsboro" | "ghostwhite" | "gold" | "goldenrod" | "gray" | "green" | "greenyellow" | "grey" | "honeydew" | "hotpink" | "indianred" | "indigo" | "ivory" | "khaki" | "lavender" | "lavenderblush" | "lawngreen" | "lemonchiffon" | "lightblue" | "lightcoral" | "lightcyan" | "lightgoldenrodyellow" | "lightgray" | "lightgreen" | "lightgrey" | "lightpink" | "lightsalmon" | "lightseagreen" | "lightskyblue" | "lightslategray" | "lightslategrey" | "lightsteelblue" | "lightyellow" | "lime" | "limegreen" | "linen" | "magenta" | "maroon" | "mediumaquamarine" | "mediumblue" | "mediumorchid" | "mediumpurple" | "mediumseagreen" | "mediumslateblue" | "mediumspringgreen" | "mediumturquoise" | "mediumvioletred" | "midnightblue" | "mintcream" | "mistyrose" | "moccasin" | "navajowhite" | "navy" | "oldlace" | "olive" | "olivedrab" | "orange" | "orangered" | "orchid" | "palegoldenrod" | "palegreen" | "paleturquoise" | "palevioletred" | "papayawhip" | "peachpuff" | "peru" | "pink" | "plum" | "powderblue" | "purple" | "rebeccapurple" | "red" | "rosybrown" | "royalblue" | "saddlebrown" | "salmon" | "sandybrown" | "seagreen" | "seashell" | "sienna" | "silver" | "skyblue" | "slateblue" | "slategray" | "slategrey" | "snow" | "springgreen" | "steelblue" | "tan" | "teal" | "thistle" | "tomato" | "transparent" | "turquoise" | "violet" | "wheat" | "white" | "whitesmoke" | "yellow" | "yellowgreen" | "ActiveBorder" | "ActiveCaption" | "AppWorkspace" | "Background" | "ButtonFace" | "ButtonHighlight" | "ButtonShadow" | "ButtonText" | "CaptionText" | "GrayText" | "Highlight" | "HighlightText" | "InactiveBorder" | "InactiveCaption" | "InactiveCaptionText" | "InfoBackground" | "InfoText" | "Menu" | "MenuText" | "Scrollbar" | "ThreeDDarkShadow" | "ThreeDFace" | "ThreeDHighlight" | "ThreeDLightShadow" | "ThreeDShadow" | "Window" | "WindowFrame" | "WindowText" | "currentcolor" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | "thick" | "thin" > | - | BoxProps.border |
borderBottom | ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderBottom<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderBottom<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.borderBottom |
borderColor | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | BorderColor> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | BorderColor> | - | BoxProps.borderColor |
borderLeft | ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.borderLeft |
borderRadius | ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderRadius<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderRadius<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderRadius<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderRadius<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.borderRadius |
borderRight | ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderRight<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderRight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderRight<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderRight<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.borderRight |
borderTop | ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderTop<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BorderTop<string | number> | NonNullable<BorderTop<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.borderTop |
bottom | ResponsiveStyleValue <Bottom<string | number> | NonNullable<Bottom<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Bottom<string | number> | NonNullable<Bottom<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.bottom |
boxShadow | ResponsiveStyleValue <number | BoxShadow> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <number | BoxShadow> | - | BoxProps.boxShadow |
boxSizing | ResponsiveStyleValue <BoxSizing | NonNullable<BoxSizing>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <BoxSizing | NonNullable<BoxSizing>[]> | - | BoxProps.boxSizing |
color | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Color> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Color> | - | BoxProps.color |
columnGap | ResponsiveStyleValue <ColumnGap<string | number> | NonNullable<ColumnGap<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <ColumnGap<string | number> | NonNullable<ColumnGap<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.columnGap |
display | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Display> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Display> | - | BoxProps.display |
displayPrint | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Display> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Display> | - | BoxProps.displayPrint |
flex | ResponsiveStyleValue <Flex<string | number> | NonNullable<Flex<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Flex<string | number> | NonNullable<Flex<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.flex |
flexBasis | ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexBasis<string | number> | NonNullable<FlexBasis<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexBasis<string | number> | NonNullable<FlexBasis<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.flexBasis |
flexDirection | ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexDirection | NonNullable<FlexDirection>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexDirection | NonNullable<FlexDirection>[]> | - | BoxProps.flexDirection |
flexGrow | ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexGrow | NonNullable<FlexGrow>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexGrow | NonNullable<FlexGrow>[]> | - | BoxProps.flexGrow |
flexShrink | ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexShrink | NonNullable<FlexShrink>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexShrink | NonNullable<FlexShrink>[]> | - | BoxProps.flexShrink |
flexWrap | ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexWrap | NonNullable<FlexWrap>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FlexWrap | NonNullable<FlexWrap>[]> | - | BoxProps.flexWrap |
fontFamily | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | FontFamily> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | FontFamily> | - | BoxProps.fontFamily |
fontSize | ResponsiveStyleValue <FontSize<string | number> | NonNullable<FontSize<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <FontSize<string | number> | NonNullable<FontSize<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.fontSize |
fontStyle | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | FontStyle> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | FontStyle> | - | BoxProps.fontStyle |
fontWeight | ResponsiveStyleValue <string | string & object | number & object > | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string | string & object | number & object > | - | BoxProps.fontWeight |
gap | ResponsiveStyleValue <Gap<string | number> | NonNullable<Gap<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Gap<string | number> | NonNullable<Gap<string | number>>[]> | - | |
gridArea | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridArea | NonNullable<GridArea>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridArea | NonNullable<GridArea>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridArea |
gridAutoColumns | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridAutoColumns<string | number> | NonNullable<GridAutoColumns<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridAutoColumns<string | number> | NonNullable<GridAutoColumns<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridAutoColumns |
gridAutoFlow | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | GridAutoFlow> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | GridAutoFlow> | - | BoxProps.gridAutoFlow |
gridAutoRows | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridAutoRows<string | number> | NonNullable<GridAutoRows<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridAutoRows<string | number> | NonNullable<GridAutoRows<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridAutoRows |
gridColumn | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridColumn | NonNullable<GridColumn>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridColumn | NonNullable<GridColumn>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridColumn |
gridRow | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridRow | NonNullable<GridRow>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridRow | NonNullable<GridRow>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridRow |
gridTemplateAreas | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | GridTemplateAreas> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | GridTemplateAreas> | - | BoxProps.gridTemplateAreas |
gridTemplateColumns | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridTemplateColumns<string | number> | NonNullable<GridTemplateColumns<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridTemplateColumns<string | number> | NonNullable<GridTemplateColumns<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridTemplateColumns |
gridTemplateRows | ResponsiveStyleValue <GridTemplateRows<string | number> | NonNullable<GridTemplateRows<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <GridTemplateRows<string | number> | NonNullable<GridTemplateRows<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.gridTemplateRows |
height | ResponsiveStyleValue <Height<string | number> | NonNullable<Height<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Height<string | number> | NonNullable<Height<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.height |
justifyContent | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifyContent> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifyContent> | - | BoxProps.justifyContent |
justifyItems | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifyItems> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifyItems> | - | BoxProps.justifyItems |
justifySelf | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifySelf> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | JustifySelf> | - | BoxProps.justifySelf |
left | ResponsiveStyleValue <Left<string | number> | NonNullable<Left<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Left<string | number> | NonNullable<Left<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.left |
letterSpacing | ResponsiveStyleValue <LetterSpacing<string | number> | NonNullable<LetterSpacing<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <LetterSpacing<string | number> | NonNullable<LetterSpacing<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.letterSpacing |
lineHeight | ResponsiveStyleValue <LineHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<LineHeight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <LineHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<LineHeight<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.lineHeight |
m | ResponsiveStyleValue <Margin<string | number> | NonNullable<Margin<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Margin<string | number> | NonNullable<Margin<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.m |
margin | ResponsiveStyleValue <Margin<string | number> | NonNullable<Margin<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Margin<string | number> | NonNullable<Margin<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.margin |
marginBlock | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBlock<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBlock<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBlock<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBlock<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginBlock |
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marginBlockStart | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBlockStart<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBlockStart<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBlockStart<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBlockStart<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginBlockStart |
marginBottom | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBottom<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBottom<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginBottom |
marginInline | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInline<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInline<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInline<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInline<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginInline |
marginInlineEnd | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInlineEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInlineEnd<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInlineEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInlineEnd<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginInlineEnd |
marginInlineStart | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInlineStart<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInlineStart<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginInlineStart<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginInlineStart<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginInlineStart |
marginLeft | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginLeft |
marginRight | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginRight<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginRight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginRight<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginRight<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginRight |
marginTop | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginTop |
marginX | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginX |
marginY | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.marginY |
maxHeight | ResponsiveStyleValue <MaxHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<MaxHeight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MaxHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<MaxHeight<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.maxHeight |
maxWidth | ResponsiveStyleValue <MaxWidth<string | number> | NonNullable<MaxWidth<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MaxWidth<string | number> | NonNullable<MaxWidth<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.maxWidth |
mb | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBottom<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginBottom<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.mb |
minHeight | ResponsiveStyleValue <MinHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<MinHeight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MinHeight<string | number> | NonNullable<MinHeight<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.minHeight |
minWidth | ResponsiveStyleValue <MinWidth<string | number> | NonNullable<MinWidth<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MinWidth<string | number> | NonNullable<MinWidth<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.minWidth |
ml | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | |
mr | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginRight<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginRight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginRight<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginRight<string | number>>[]> | - | |
mt | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | - | |
mx | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | |
my | ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <MarginTop<string | number> | NonNullable<MarginTop<string | number>>[]> | - | |
onDeleteAccount? | (user ?: SCUserType ) => void | Callback when delete account rejecting policy document | - |
onLogout? | () => void | Callback when logout rejecting policy document | - |
order | ResponsiveStyleValue <Order | NonNullable<Order>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Order | NonNullable<Order>[]> | - | BoxProps.order |
overflow | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Overflow> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | Overflow> | - | BoxProps.overflow |
p | ResponsiveStyleValue <Padding<string | number> | NonNullable<Padding<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Padding<string | number> | NonNullable<Padding<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.p |
padding | ResponsiveStyleValue <Padding<string | number> | NonNullable<Padding<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Padding<string | number> | NonNullable<Padding<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.padding |
paddingBlock | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlock<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlock<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlock<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlock<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingBlock |
paddingBlockEnd | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlockEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlockEnd<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlockEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlockEnd<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingBlockEnd |
paddingBlockStart | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlockStart<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlockStart<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBlockStart<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBlockStart<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingBlockStart |
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paddingInline | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInline<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInline<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInline<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInline<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingInline |
paddingInlineEnd | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInlineEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInlineEnd<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInlineEnd<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInlineEnd<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingInlineEnd |
paddingInlineStart | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInlineStart<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInlineStart<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingInlineStart<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingInlineStart<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingInlineStart |
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paddingTop | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingTop |
paddingX | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingX |
paddingY | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.paddingY |
pb | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBottom<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingBottom<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingBottom<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.pb |
pl | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | |
position | ResponsiveStyleValue <Position | NonNullable<Position>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Position | NonNullable<Position>[]> | - | BoxProps.position |
pr | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingRight<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingRight<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingRight<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingRight<string | number>>[]> | - | |
pt | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | - | |
px | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingLeft<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingLeft<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.px |
py | ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <PaddingTop<string | number> | NonNullable<PaddingTop<string | number>>[]> | - | |
right | ResponsiveStyleValue <Right<string | number> | NonNullable<Right<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Right<string | number> | NonNullable<Right<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.right |
rowGap | ResponsiveStyleValue <RowGap<string | number> | NonNullable<RowGap<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <RowGap<string | number> | NonNullable<RowGap<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.rowGap |
textAlign | ResponsiveStyleValue <TextAlign | NonNullable<TextAlign>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <TextAlign | NonNullable<TextAlign>[]> | - | BoxProps.textAlign |
textOverflow | ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | TextOverflow> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string[] | TextOverflow> | - | BoxProps.textOverflow |
textTransform | ResponsiveStyleValue <TextTransform | NonNullable<TextTransform>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <TextTransform | NonNullable<TextTransform>[]> | - | BoxProps.textTransform |
top | ResponsiveStyleValue <Top<string | number> | NonNullable<Top<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Top<string | number> | NonNullable<Top<string | number>>[]> | - | |
typography | ResponsiveStyleValue <string > | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string > | - | BoxProps.typography |
visibility | ResponsiveStyleValue <Visibility | NonNullable<Visibility>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Visibility | NonNullable<Visibility>[]> | - | BoxProps.visibility |
whiteSpace | ResponsiveStyleValue <WhiteSpace | NonNullable<WhiteSpace>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <WhiteSpace | NonNullable<WhiteSpace>[]> | - | BoxProps.whiteSpace |
width | ResponsiveStyleValue <Width<string | number> | NonNullable<Width<string | number>>[]> | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <Width<string | number> | NonNullable<Width<string | number>>[]> | - | BoxProps.width |
zIndex | ResponsiveStyleValue <string | string & object | number & object > | (theme ) => ResponsiveStyleValue <string | string & object | number & object > | - | BoxProps.zIndex |
API documentation for the Community-JS AccountDelete component. Learn about the available props and the CSS API.
This component allows users to display the logic behind user deletion. Take a look at our demo component here
import {AccountDelete} from '@selfcommunity/react-ui';
Component Name
The name SCAccountDelete
can be used when providing style overrides in the theme.
Rule Name | Global class | Description |
root | .SCAccountDelete-root | Styles applied to the root element. |
message | .SCAccountDelete-message | Styles applied to the message element section. |
confirm | .SCAccountDelete-confirm | Styles applied to the confirm element section. |
button | .SCAccountDelete-button | Styles applied to the button element. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
inProps | AccountDeleteProps |