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Interface SCCategoryType. Category Schema.


active?booleanThe category status.
auto_follow?stringThe category's auto follow behaviour.
deleted?booleanThe category status.
emotional_image_original?stringThe landscape format image for category hub.
emotional_image_position?numberThe css background-position.
followed?booleanIf the category is followed by the authenticated user
followers_counter?numberFollowers counter for the category.
html_info?stringThe category's html text.
idnumberThe ID of the category.
image_big?stringThe category's auto generated big size.
image_bigger?stringThe category's auto generated bigger size.
image_medium?stringThe category's auto generated medium size.
image_original?stringThe category's image with min size.
image_small?stringThe category's auto generated small size.
lastmod_datetime?stringThe last modify (datetime)
namestringThe name of the category.
name_synonyms?stringThe synonyms/aliases of the category.
order?numberThe manual ordering number of the category.
seo_description?stringThe description for category's html meta tag.
seo_title?stringThe category's html meta tag.
slogan?stringThe slogan of the category.
slug?stringThe slug of the category.
stream_order_by?stringThe order of the category feed.
tags?SCTagType[]The category's tags.