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activebooleanThe event active status.
colorstringThe color of the event.
created_atstringThe event creation date.
created_bySCUserTypeThe event creator.
descriptionstringThe description of the event.
end_datenull | stringThe event end date.
geolocationnull | stringThe event place
geolocation_latnull | numberThe event latitude
geolocation_lngnull | numberThe event longitude
goings_counternumberThe number of participating members
idnumberThe ID of the event.
image_bigstringThe event image, big format.
image_biggerstringThe event image, bigger format.
image_mediumstringThe event image, medium format.
image_smallstringThe event image, small format.
linknull | stringThe event link(if virtual)
locationSCEventLocationTypeThe event location (in person, online)
managed_bySCUserTypeThe event admin.
namestringThe name of the event.
next_end_datestringThe end date for the next event running period (for recurrent events).
next_start_datestringThe start date when the next event running period is scheduled to begin (for recurrent events).
privacySCEventPrivacyTypeThe event privacy.
recurringSCEventRecurrenceTypeThe event recurrence
runningbooleanIf the event is currently running
running_end_datestringThe expected or actual end date and time for the event running period.
running_start_datestringThe start date and time when the event running period began.
show_on_feedbooleanIf the event is showed in the feed.
slugstringThe slug for the event.
start_datestringThe event start date.
subscribers_counternumberThe number of event members
subscription_statusSCEventSubscriptionStatusTypeThe event subscription status.
visiblebooleanThe event visibility.