Interface SCNotificationMentionType. Mention Notification Schema.
Property | Type | Description | Overrides | Inherited from |
active_at | Date | Time when the notification was generated | SCNotificationType .active_at | SCNotificationType .active_at |
comment? | SCCommentType | If user is mentioned in a comment | - | - |
discussion? | SCFeedDiscussionType | If user is mentioned in a discussion | - | - |
is_new | boolean | True if the notification has been read, otherwise false | SCNotificationType .is_new | SCNotificationType .is_new |
post? | SCFeedPostType | If the user is mentioned in a post | - | - |
sid | string | Serialization id of the single notification | SCNotificationType .sid | SCNotificationType .sid |
status? | SCFeedObjectType | If user is mentioned in a status | - | - |
type | MENTION | Type Mention | SCNotificationType .type | SCNotificationType .type |