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Interface SCFeedObjectType. FeedObject Schema. General object.

Extended by


added_atDateAdded at
addressingSCTagType[]Tags adderssing
author?SCUserTypeAuthor of the contribute
categories?SCCategoryType[]List of categories.
collapsedbooleanTrue if the object is hidden
comment_countnumberNumber of comment
deletedbooleanTrue if the object is deleted
event?SCEventTypeThe id of the event.
flag_countnumberNumber of flags
followed?booleanTrue if the logged user follow this object
follower_countnumberNumber of followers
group?SCGroupTypeThe id of the group.
idnumberThe ID of the post.
last_activity_atDateLast activity at
location?SCContributionLocationLocation (contribution geolocation)
medias?SCMediaType[]List of medias
reactionSCReactionTypeReaction obj
reactions_countany[]Reactions number and objs
share_countnumberNumber of internal share
summary_html?stringSummary html
summary_truncated?booleanTrue if summary_html is truncated
suspended?booleanSuspended notification
typeDISCUSSION | POST | STATUSType: discussion, post, status
view_countnumberNumber of views
vote_countnumberNumber of votes
voted?booleanTrue if the logged user has already voted this object