Interface SCGcmDeviceType GCMDevice Schema.
Property | Type | Description | Inherited from |
active? | boolean | Device activated/deactivate | SCDeviceType .active |
application_id? | string | Identifier for the application | SCDeviceType .application_id |
cloud_message_type | SCDeviceGcmTypeEnum | Cloud message type: GCM or FCM | - |
date_created? | string | Date | Date of registration | SCDeviceType .date_created |
device_id? | number | Unique device identifier ANDROID_ID / TelephonyManager.getDeviceId() (always as hex) UUID / UIDevice.identifierForVendor() max_length = 32 | SCDeviceType .device_id |
id? | number | Id of the device | SCDeviceType .id |
name? | string | Device name | SCDeviceType .name |
notification_service? | SCDeviceGcmTypeEnum | APNS | notification_service | SCDeviceType .notification_service |
platform? | SCDeviceTypeEnum | Platform | SCDeviceType .platform |
registration_id | string | Registration ID | SCDeviceType .registration_id |