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Interface SCNotificationAggregatedType. Notification aggregated Schema.


aggregatedSCNotificationType[]List of aggregated notifications by type.
Types Object: NotificationTypeComment, NotificationTypeMention,
NotificationTypeConnectionAccept, NotificationTypeConnectionRequest,
NotificationTypePrivateMessage, NotificationTypeFollow, NotificationTypeVoteUp,
NotificationTypeBlockedUser, NotificationTypeUnBlockedUser,
NotificationTypeKindlyNotice, NotificationTypeCollapsedFor,
NotificationTypeDeletedFor, NotificationTypeCustomNotification
discussion?SCFeedDiscussionTypePrimary object involved (object that is common to notifications group)
if it is a discusssion. For some types of notifications it will not be present.
event?SCEventTypePrimary object involved (object that is common to notifications group)
if it is an event. For some types of notifications it will not be present.
group?SCGroupTypePrimary object involved (object that is common to notifications group)
if it is a group. For some types of notifications it will not be present.
is_newbooleanIt's true if in the aggregated group there is at least one
notification not yet seen by the user making the request
post?SCFeedPostTypePrimary object involved (object that is common to notifications group)
if it is a post. For some types of notifications it will not be present.
sidstringSerialization id of the macro notification aggregate block
status?SCFeedObjectTypePrimary object involved (object that is common to notifications group)
if it is a status. For some types of notifications it will not be present.