Interface SCNotificationAggregatedType. Notification aggregated Schema.
Property | Type | Description |
aggregated | SCNotificationType [] | List of aggregated notifications by type. Types Object: NotificationTypeComment, NotificationTypeMention, NotificationTypeConnectionAccept, NotificationTypeConnectionRequest, NotificationTypePrivateMessage, NotificationTypeFollow, NotificationTypeVoteUp, NotificationTypeBlockedUser, NotificationTypeUnBlockedUser, NotificationTypeKindlyNotice, NotificationTypeCollapsedFor, NotificationTypeDeletedFor, NotificationTypeCustomNotification |
discussion? | SCFeedDiscussionType | Primary object involved (object that is common to notifications group) if it is a discusssion. For some types of notifications it will not be present. |
event? | SCEventType | Primary object involved (object that is common to notifications group) if it is an event. For some types of notifications it will not be present. |
group? | SCGroupType | Primary object involved (object that is common to notifications group) if it is a group. For some types of notifications it will not be present. |
is_new | boolean | It's true if in the aggregated group there is at least one notification not yet seen by the user making the request |
post? | SCFeedPostType | Primary object involved (object that is common to notifications group) if it is a post. For some types of notifications it will not be present. |
sid | string | Serialization id of the macro notification aggregate block |
status? | SCFeedObjectType | Primary object involved (object that is common to notifications group) if it is a status. For some types of notifications it will not be present. |