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Interface SCCommentType. Comment Schema.


added_atDateAdded at
author?SCUserTypeUser who commented
collapsedbooleanIf the comments is hidden
comment_countnumberNumber of comments
deletedbooleanIf the comments is deleted
discussion?numberId of the Discussion object
flag_countnumberNumber of flags
htmlstringHtml of the comment
idnumberId of the comment
in_reply_to?numberId of the reply Comment, it must have the same parent
latest_comments?SCCommentType[]Comments childs
parentnumberId of the parent
post?numberId of the Post object
reactionSCReactionTypeReaction obj
reactions_count[]Reactions number and objs
status?numberId of the Status object
summary_html?stringSummary html
summary_truncated?booleanTrue if summary_html is truncated
textstringText of the comment
typestringType: comment
vote_countnumberNumber of votes
votedbooleanTrue if the logged user has already voted the comment