Course Detail
"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"slug": "string",
"description": "string",
"type": "string",
"privacy": "string",
"enforce_lessons_order": "boolean",
"new_comment_notification_enabled": "boolean",
"hide_member_count": "boolean",
"meta_title": "string",
"meta_description": "string",
"og_title": "string",
"og_description": "string",
"og_image": "string",
"sections_order": [],
"image_bigger": "string",
"image_big": "string",
"image_medium": "string",
"image_small": "string",
"join_status": "string",
"user_completion_rate": "integer",
"created_at": "string",
"created_by": {},
"categories": [],
"sections": []
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | integer | false | read-only | Unique integer value identifying this course |
name | string | true | read-only | Unique name of the course |
slug | string | false | read-only | Unique slug identifying this course in a URL |
description | string | false | read-only | The course description (default value: empty string) |
type | type | true | read-only | Enum to define the course type |
privacy | privacy | false | read-only | Enum to define the course privacy (default value: empty string) |
enforce_lessons_order | boolean | false | read-only | Lesson order enforcement (default: false). Your members will have to complete each lesson in order before moving onto the next one |
new_comment_notification_enabled | boolean | false | read-only | Notify course admins about new lesson comments (default: true). If enabled, admins and moderators will receive a new comment notification anytime members leave a lesson comment |
hide_member_count | boolean | false | read-only | Hide member count (default: false). If enabled, only managers can see the member count |
meta_title | string | false | read-only | The course meta title |
meta_description | string | false | read-only | The course meta description |
og_title | string | false | read-only | The course Open Graph title |
og_description | string | false | read-only | The course Open Graph description |
og_image | string | false | read-only | The course Open Graph image |
sections_order | list(integer) | false | read-only | List of all section IDs belonging to the current course; IDs are sorted based on the choice made by the course managers |
image_bigger | string | false | read-only | Squared image - auto generated bigger size |
image_big | string | false | read-only | Squared image - auto generated big size |
image_medium | string | false | read-only | Squared image - auto generated medium size |
image_small | string | false | read-only | Squared image - auto generated small size |
join_status | status | false | read-only | Enum to define the course subscription status of the current user |
user_completion_rate | integer | false | read-only | Progress completion of the course in percentage for the current user |
created_at | string(date-time) | false | read-only | Datetime of course creation |
created_by | User Minimal | false | read-only | The course creator |
categories | list(Category) | false | read-only | The categories associated to the course |
sections | list(Course Section Detail) | false | read-only | The sections associated to the course |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value | Description |
type | self-paced | Course starts when a member enrolls. All contents are available immediately |
type | structured | Course starts when a member enrolls. Sections are dripped relative to their enrollment date |
type | scheduled | Course starts on a specific date. Sections are dripped relative to that date |
privacy | Unselected privacy status (aka draft); cannot revert to this status after selecting another privacy status | |
privacy | open | Access: Open. Anyone in your community can see and join this course. Visibility: Visible to all members of your community |
privacy | private | Access: Closed. Only members who are added by you will be able to access this course. Visibility: Invited members only. Non-members will see the lock screen |
privacy | secret | Access: Closed. Only members who are added by you will be able to access this course. Visibility: Invited members only. Non-members will not see that this course exists |
join_status | null | The user has no status |
join_status | creator | The user is the creator of the course; the user cannot leave the course or change status |
join_status | manager | The user is a manager of the course |
join_status | joined | The user joined the course |
join_status | invited | The user was invited to the course |
join_status | requested | The user requests access to the course (available when the course is closed) |