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Course User Lesson Detail

"id": "integer",
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"status": "string",
"comments_enabled": "boolean",
"completion_status": "string",
"locked": "boolean"


idintegerfalseread-onlyUnique integer value identifying this lesson course
namestringtrueread-onlyName of the lesson course
typetypetrueread-onlyEnum to define the course lesson type
statusstatusfalseread-onlyEnum to define the course lesson status.
Default: draft
comments_enabledbooleanfalseread-onlyEnable the comments on the current lesson; if enabled, the users can comment the current lesson.
Default: true
completion_statuscompletion_statusfalseread-onlyEnum to define the course lesson completion status for the user
lockedbooleanfalseread-onlyDetermines whether the current lesson is locked for the user based on the user and on the course property: type and enforce_lessons_order

Enumerated Values

typelessonLesson course of type lesson
typequizLesson course of type quiz
statusdraftLesson course status is draft (not yet published for all the users that joined the course)
statuspublishedLesson course status is published
completion_statusuncompletedLesson course completion status is uncompleted for the user
completion_statuscompletedLesson course completion status is completed for the user
completion_statusfailedLesson course completion status is failed for the user; for quiz